Dimensions Allowed on MRT Trains - Falcon Mobility Singapore

Dimensions Allowed on MRT Trains

foldable bike on MRT

Today LTA announced that foldable bicycles, PMDs will be allowed on public transport from Dec 1 as part of 6-month trial, subject to maximum dimensions of 120 cm in length, 40 cm in width and 70 cm in height.

I have no doubt that we're going to start getting queries for worried customers about their mobility scooters and motorised wheelchairs. I don't know of ANY model in use today that is less than 40 cm in width.

I believe that the allowed dimensions will still be 120 cm in length and 70 cm in width, but there is nothing on the LTA website that confirms this. I have written in to them to clarify, and will post an update once I get a response.

An exerpt from my e-mail to them:

"I find that many times, LTA only looks at e-scooters, bicycles, hoverboards and other PMDs when doing up guidelines and reaching out to the public. PMAs are often ignored, even though that there are at least 5,000 users in Singapore. This is despite the fact that you have a senior occupational therapist sitting on your advisory council.

I hope you don’t mind the frank feedback, but every time LTA announces new guidelines without including PMAs, we end up having to deal with a lot of scared senior citizens. With our population rapidly aging, this has to change. Future updates and announcements should be more inclusive, and take PMAs into account as well."

Looks like I still have a lot of advocating work to do with LTA to create a change in mindset.


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